Community Service
For over 25 years, CCJ's Community Service Program has promoted social responsibility by allowing offenders to repay the community by helping government, business or non-profit organizations.
The Community Service Program serves as an alternative to incarceration. We work with several government and non-profit organizations in the community who are able to provide appropriate community service projects for our clients.
How the Community Service Program Works:
Clients who are over the age of 18 must pay a $25 intake fee. This can be done online via debit or credit card or money order (see below).
Clients must contact the designated worksite to set up a schedule to complete their community service hours.
It is the client’s responsibility to obtain transportation to and from the worksite.
The use of drugs and/or alcohol at a community service site, or arriving at a worksite under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, will result in immediate termination from the Community Service Program.
To register for CCJ’s community Service program please complete the registration form. You will need to list the name of the court, the name of the judge that presides over your case, the name of the crime you are charged with and the number of community service hours to be completed.
You must provide a valid email or phone number to register on-line.
After receiving registration and payment (if over 18), the program coordinator will contact you with information regarding the job site.
We have many worksites: Schenectady County Recycling Facility (County Farm), Schenectady Municipal Housing Authority, SICM (Schenectady Inner City Ministry) the food pantry, Vale Cemetery, Schoharie County Animal Shelter, churches, and Girls and Boys Club. We have 2 new worksites in Montgomery County. We are always looking for new worksites. Contact me at the Center for Community Justice 518-346-1281 ext 270 or